Learning How to Create an iPhone App

I studyied computer programming nearly two decades ago. Since I moved from technology to management, I have not done much coding in the last few years. However, I have always wanted to create y own app. So I have decided to learn iOS programming. For those who are looking to develop their technical skills, there are many options these days such as going to classes at General Assembly, Makers Academy or Steer. There are many free and paid resources online to learn programming. Some of the tools that I have come across are:

  1. EdX
  2. MITOpen Courseware
  3. Udemy
  4. Stanford Onlne
  5. Khan Academy
  6. Code Academy

Paid classes

  1. Lynda
  2. Treehouse
  3. Udacity
  4. Udemy
  5. Coursera

I recently bought iOS 9 Course by Rob Percival from Udemy. This also came with an ebook and video tutorials. This is well written and easy to understand.

I also joined the Mums in Technology meetup. Though it is very basic and I am more interested in learning to create my own apps.

Here I will document my learning journey and lessons learned along the way.

September 12, 2015

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