How to make Computer Science more engaging, relevant and accessible?

Computer science is evolving at a much faster pace than a rigid school curriculum can keep up with. By the time students graduate, the digital skills needed for future jobs would be very different. Back in 2014, the broad subject of Computing – covering the three vital areas of Computer Science, Digital Literacy and Information […]

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Robotics for Inspiring Kids to Learn Programming

When I was a little girl, I wished I could build a robot similar to the robot “Vicky” in Small Wonders TV series. V.I.C.I. (an acronym for Voice Input Child Identicant, pronounced “Vicky”) was a robot in the form of a 10-year-old girl. Vicky could do amazing things like a machine but looked like a human, though without […]

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Learning How to Create an iPhone App

I studyied computer programming nearly two decades ago. Since I moved from technology to management, I have not done much coding in the last few years. However, I have always wanted to create y own app. So I have decided to learn iOS programming. For those who are looking to develop their technical skills, there […]

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September 12, 2015

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