How to make Computer Science more engaging, relevant and accessible?

Computer science is evolving at a much faster pace than a rigid school curriculum can keep up with. By the time students graduate, the digital skills needed for future jobs would be very different. Back in 2014, the broad subject of Computing – covering the three vital areas of Computer Science, Digital Literacy and Information […]

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Two ways that we’re helping London bridge the digital skills divide

COVID has accelerated the shift to digital, compressing what would likely have been a decade of incremental change into just a few weeks. There are two distinct digital skills gaps — basic and advanced – and we know that narrowing both will be vitally important to the UK’s and London’s recovery, which is why we are tackling them in different ways. […]

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October 3, 2021

Gender Diversity in Computer Science Education

Exam results days ought to be days of celebration. The culmination of countless hours of hard work, excitement over the future and congratulatory Tweets from MP’s that no one getting their results will read. For those of us working on improving diversity in technology, results day has become a significantly less joyous occasion. In large […]

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Bringing Diversity to STEM Education

Research shows that the way sciences are communicated to young people is not gender inclusive. What’s more, young Europeans, both boys and girls, still have very little idea of the diversity of careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and the skills that are relevant for those paths. These two factors have a significant […]

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Digital Skills Gap in UK and the How it is Being Tackled

We are going through a digital revolution driven by high-speed internet connectivity, proliferation of mobile devices and growth in user generated content. One of the greatest challenges we face is a lack of knowledge to create technology. The UK is facing a significant skills shortage with 1.4m digital professionals needed over the next five years. BT’s CEO […]

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