How to make Computer Science more engaging, relevant and accessible?

Computer science is evolving at a much faster pace than a rigid school curriculum can keep up with. By the time students graduate, the digital skills needed for future jobs would be very different. Back in 2014, the broad subject of Computing – covering the three vital areas of Computer Science, Digital Literacy and Information […]

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What are the opportunities for radically transforming educator and learner experiences?

How can AI help with measuring what is important (social and emotional skills, creativity, collaboration, critical thinking) and not just want is easy to measure (literacy and numeracy)? How do we promote equity between different groups and not discriminate against any learners? Where could we be in 10 years with the right guidance, support and […]

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Two ways that we’re helping London bridge the digital skills divide

COVID has accelerated the shift to digital, compressing what would likely have been a decade of incremental change into just a few weeks. There are two distinct digital skills gaps — basic and advanced – and we know that narrowing both will be vitally important to the UK’s and London’s recovery, which is why we are tackling them in different ways. […]

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October 3, 2021

How to ensure that the future of work is fair and inclusive for all?

‘You can’t stop the wave, but you can learn to surf.’ – Jon Kabat-Zinn The pandemic has brought about a huge surge in unemployment and those who were already facing systemic hurdles have been hardest hit. Young people and women have felt the devastating shockwaves of COVID-19. The unprecedented economic fallout has made the government […]

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February 15, 2021

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Can we build a more inclusive education system as part of our recovery from the pandemic?

This opinion piece is part of Reinventing Schools for the Future and was originally published on Nesta, a global innovation foundation. For so long in education, reliance on rigid testing methods has led to an overemphasis on academic achievement at the expense of our children’s wellbeing. Some of the most valuable aspects of education are […]

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August 8, 2020

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UK Finally Acts to Prevent a Lost Generation

We live in a world driven by automation.They call it the 4th industrial revolution. Education system needs a transformation.Schools want to teach empathy & collaboration. China and Japan, once leaders in memorisation,Have now reversed this to skills in innovation. We live in a knowledge economy with AI adoption & data proliferation. The irony is that […]

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January 19, 2020

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Gender Diversity in Computer Science Education

Exam results days ought to be days of celebration. The culmination of countless hours of hard work, excitement over the future and congratulatory Tweets from MP’s that no one getting their results will read. For those of us working on improving diversity in technology, results day has become a significantly less joyous occasion. In large […]

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How artificial intelligence tools can be used to improve education

It was a privilege to be invited to the APPG AI evidence meeting, chaired by Stephen Metcalfe and Lord Tim Clement-Jones, this week at the House of Lords. Sir Anthony Seldon, Professor Rose Luckin, Priya Lakhani, and I gave evidence on how artificial intelligence (AI) tools can be used to improve learner experience, teaching practice and education system design. Commonly referred to […]

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Reflections on AI in Education and looking forward to 2019

In 2018, I submitted written evidence by Nesta to the Education Select Committee on the fourth industrial revolution inquiry. The evidence was on how best to prepare young people for future opportunities brought about by technological change and ensure lifelong learning. I was excited about my first appearance in UK Parliament for an oral evidence, along with Prof. Rose Luckin and Brian […]

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False Dichotomies

In the business world, we often hear these false dichotomies: Profit vs sustainability Work vs life Machine vs human   Similarly in the education sector, we hear these debates: Knowledge vs skills Attainment vs character Consistency vs creativity   These false dilemmas lead to polarisation. We need to move away from black and white thinking […]

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November 28, 2018