UK Finally Acts to Prevent a Lost Generation

We live in a world driven by automation.They call it the 4th industrial revolution. Education system needs a transformation.Schools want to teach empathy & collaboration. China and Japan, once leaders in memorisation,Have now reversed this to skills in innovation. We live in a knowledge economy with AI adoption & data proliferation. The irony is that […]

Read More UK Finally Acts to Prevent a Lost Generation
January 19, 2020

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Happiness is letting go of what you don’t need and using what you have

“Why do some people and organizations succeed with so little while others fail with so much?” Scott Sonenshein, a professor of management at Rice University discusses the above question in his new book, Stretch: Unlock the Power of Less –and Achieve More than You Ever Imagined.  Most of us are used to “chasing” – focusing […]

Read More Happiness is letting go of what you don’t need and using what you have
July 6, 2017

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